tagged again!
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Jox. This one was more than just a toughie!! What I had to do... Write a short story, all within 55 words!
heres my try She sighed.
Slowly she walked towards the door, unlocked it and entered.
She let out a faint helpless cry, no one was there to hear it. She walked to the bed, and laid her disturbed mind to rest.
Twas morning, she woke up, mechanically got ready, and set out to face yet another day – ALONE.Post the story i tag
Baybee (yo get your blog back to life!)
Rajesh (hehe want to see what you cook up...)
hahahaha! from jox's blog... just wanted to do this...
http://logicalschizoid.blogspot.com is 32% evil, 68% good

useless stats... which seem to make me feel proud bout my language (!)
Points of interestAmount of consonants 12117 12117=7x1731
Amount of different words 1449 1449=7x207
Amount of different words beginning with vowel 283 2+8+3=13
Amount of different words beginning with consonant 1166 1+1+6+6=14=7x2
Amount of words 4368 4368=7x624 4+3+6+8=21=7x3 4368=13x336
Amount of words beginning with vowel 1157 1+1+5+7=14=7x2 1157=13x89
Amount of words beginning with consonant 3211 3+2+1+1=7 3211=13x13x19